OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
08/15/2024 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseIOCs: Email contact with operator discussing so...
02/12/2024 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper: Phone conversation regarding le...
12/06/2023 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with operator reg...
02/27/2023 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY EnforcementLead or Copper: phone contact with facility reg...
01/05/2023 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with operator and...
12/09/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Spoke with Garren via phone on...
12/09/2022 ROBERTS, ZACH LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseOther: Spoke with Garren via phone on 12/9/2022...
08/08/2022 DANIELS, BRAD DWP EnforcementLead or Copper, Operations: I took part in a vi...
08/01/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Violation ResponsePhone contact with DRC, system failed to provid...
06/16/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with DRC, DRC has...
05/12/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with DRC, DRC not...
02/07/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with DRC, go over...
02/07/2022 ALVIANI, NICHOLAS LANE COUNTY Violation ResponseLead or Copper: Phone contact with DRC, go over...
01/14/2022 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY MonitoringLead or Copper: Garren let me know that Jeff T....
01/12/2022 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY MonitoringLead or Copper: Spoke to Garren and he told me ...
12/14/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY MonitoringOther: Per email from Nick Alviani : Todd Bowen...
11/16/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY MonitoringOther: Spoke to water operator about total excu...
11/10/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY MonitoringOther: Jeff called me to let me know that he ju...
10/05/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Operator currently working with...
09/15/2021 DANIELS, BRAD DWP Informal Compliance ScheduleLead or Copper: I called Mr. Carpenter to discu...
- 08/30/2021
SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Advisory: Boil WaterLoss of Pressure: Loss of electricity caused a ...
05/12/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Other RegulatoryOther: Called and reminded Jeff that he needs t...
02/23/2021 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Jeff had called me last week to...
09/10/2019 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper: Spoke with Jeff Thiessen and he...
11/15/2017 SMITH, LENORE LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead and Copper ...
02/08/2017 PULS, SARAH LANE COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: All Deficiencies have been C...
04/27/2016 PULS, SARAH LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: LCR 2 Excursions ...
03/13/2015 PULS, SARAH LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: 2 L &C Excurs...
10/16/2013 PULS, SARAH LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: LCR Excursion Ale...
07/23/2012 CHAPEK, KATRINKA LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Respond to Copper...
01/24/2012 MACPHERSON, JAMES REGION 2 Plan ReviewGWR, None: SUMMARY: Plan review information DE...
06/13/2011 CHAPEK, KATRINKA LANE COUNTY Other RegulatoryLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate violation...
05/19/2011 MANNING, ZACH LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead & copper...
11/24/2010 HENRY, ROBERT DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Excessive Leakage Investigat...
07/23/2010 CARR, BRAD DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Corrosion Control System Opt...
07/21/2010 CARR, BRAD DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Excessive Leakage Investigat...
06/23/2010 CARR, BRAD DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Corrosion Control System Opt...
06/21/2010 CARR, BRAD DWP Circuit Rider AssistanceN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Excessive Leakage Investigat...
01/07/2010 CHAPEK, KATRINKA LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: Lead & copper...
07/23/2008 PARMENTER, AMY DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: SUMMARY: Small Water System Training ...
06/10/2008 PARRY, BETSY REGION 2 Other RegulatoryOperations, Chlorine: SUMMARY: Operations revie...
10/31/2007 LYON, CASEY REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseLead or Copper, Lead/Copper: SUMMARY: alert-cop...
07/18/2007 KELLEY, KAREN DWP Other RegulatoryOther, N/A: SUMMARY: Small Water System Trainin...
02/05/2003 POTTS, JOHN DWP EnforcementLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
06/14/2000 KELLEY, KAREN DWP EnforcementLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
01/13/2000 OLSEN, KAREN DWP EnforcementLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
10/11/1999 POTTS, JOHN DWP EnforcementLead or Copper, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL L & C DE...
10/11/1999 OLSEN, KAREN DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: KAREN OLSEN from the state c...
03/18/1998 CLAUSSEN, GEORGE LANE COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: G. CLASSEN from the county c...
03/18/1998 CLAUSSEN, GEORGE LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: M/R COLI DETAILS: GEOR...
03/11/1994 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM CHARBONNEAU from the sta...
01/14/1994 YOUNGQUIST, HAROLD LANE COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseN/A, N/A: DETAILS: HAROLD YOUNGQUIST from the c...
05/11/1993 CLAUSSEN, GEORGE LANE COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: GEORGE CLASSEN from the coun...
11/21/1991 YOUNGQUIST, HAROLD LANE COUNTY Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: HARRY YOUNGQUIST from the co...

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1029
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