OHA Drinking Water Services
PWS ID: 00744 ---- KEIZER, CITY OF
Contact Reports
Contact Reports
DateAgent Agency Assistance Type Comments
09/26/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Keizer notified DWS on 9/25 that they...
09/04/2024 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Other Water QualityOther: Keizer tested 4 wells (Chemawa, City Hal...
08/26/2024 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Other Water QualityOther: PFAS sampling conducted as part of the f...
07/24/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseOther: initial sampling results in September 20...
07/19/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP MonitoringLead or Copper, Radionuclides: DWS hydrogeologi...
06/04/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS that there was ...
04/23/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: the City's Water Source Speciali...
02/15/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 1/30/2024 at EP for ...
02/13/2024 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 12/20/20223 at EP fo...
11/15/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 10/25/2023 at EP for...
10/16/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 09/28/2023 at EP for...
09/25/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 08/24/2023 at EP for...
09/06/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: operator notified DWS on 9/6 of a +TC...
08/24/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 06/28/2023 and 7/26/...
07/13/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS the city had a ...
06/20/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 04/27/2023 and 5/24/...
04/24/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 03/22/2023 at the EP...
03/16/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 02/23/2023 at the EP...
02/10/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 01/11/2023 at the EP...
01/10/2023 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 08/17/2022 at the EP...
10/11/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS the city had a ...
10/05/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 08/17/2022 at the EP...
09/13/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS the city had a ...
09/07/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS the city had a ...
08/25/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS the city had a ...
08/12/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 07/20/2022 at the EP...
07/12/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 06/09/2022 at the EP...
07/06/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator notified DWS that they recei...
05/26/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 4/27/2022 at the EP ...
04/13/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operators at the City of Keizer infor...
04/13/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 3/17/2022 at the EP ...
03/18/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 2/23/2022 at the EP ...
02/10/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 1/20/2022 at the EP ...
01/13/2022 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 12/16/2021 at EP for...
12/16/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 11/18/2021 at EP for...
11/17/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 10/21/2021 at EP for...
10/13/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 9/23/2021 at EP for ...
09/22/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 8/24/2021 at EP for ...
08/26/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 7/22/2021 at EP for ...
07/20/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Operator emailed to notify DWS that a...
06/18/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 5/13/2021 at the Ent...
05/20/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 4/27/2021 at the Ent...
04/14/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 3/11/2021 at EP for ...
03/17/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 2/24/2021 at EP for ...
02/18/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 1/28/2021 at the EP ...
01/12/2021 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 12/09/2020 at the EP...
12/17/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 11/4/2020 at the Wil...
10/19/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on 9/24 at the Cherry P...
09/21/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
08/25/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
07/20/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
06/30/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I received an email on 6/30/2020 from...
06/18/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
05/18/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
05/11/2020 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Other Water QualityOther: UCMR4 results for four of the city'...
04/15/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
03/25/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
03/24/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Other Water QualityColiform: City of Keizer has relatively new wat...
03/20/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Other Water QualityOperations: City of Keizer wants to limit the n...
03/02/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality ComplaintOther: Former customer (lived in apartment comp...
02/21/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
02/06/2020 WIKSTROM, CHANTAL DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
11/22/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample collected at the Willamette Mano...
11/13/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Cherry Avenue en...
10/24/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected at the Willamette Manor...
10/17/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: I received an email from Brandon on O...
08/30/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Samples collected on July 18, 2019 at the...
07/31/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Spoke with Brandon about a routine to...
07/16/2019 BYRD, MICHELLE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Spoke with Bill regarding the sample coll...
05/15/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
04/12/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: Toluene: A sample from EP-E Entry Point ...
03/20/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
03/12/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Pat emailed to let me know that the s...
02/12/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
01/28/2019 SKERBECK, TIA REGION 2 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well...
12/20/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
11/19/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
11/06/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Brandon notified OHA-DWS today that a...
10/10/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
09/17/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
07/20/2018 NUSRALA, JAMES DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: City had detects of tetrachloroethylene (...
05/23/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample from EP-K Willamette Manor well ...
04/10/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs: A sample collected from EP-K Willamette M...
04/10/2018 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform: Pat notified OHA-DWS today that a rou...
03/12/2018 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
02/13/2018 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
01/17/2018 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
12/13/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
10/20/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
10/06/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
07/25/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
07/03/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
05/12/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/13/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
03/10/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
02/16/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
01/18/2017 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
12/13/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
11/10/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
10/07/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
09/15/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
08/18/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
08/10/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
07/19/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
07/11/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
07/11/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Repeat +TC DETAILS: Br...
07/06/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: B...
03/15/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
03/01/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
02/03/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
01/07/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Repeat +TC DETAILS: Pa...
01/06/2016 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Two routine positive to...
12/22/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
12/10/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Repeat +TC DETAILS: Pa...
12/08/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
11/20/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
10/12/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
08/20/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
07/20/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
06/24/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Two routine positive to...
06/10/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
06/03/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
04/13/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/03/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
03/06/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
01/20/2015 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
12/15/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
11/26/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
11/20/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Repeat +TC at same site...
11/19/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
11/04/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
10/27/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
10/02/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
08/13/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
07/17/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
07/03/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine positive total ...
06/06/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
05/23/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine positive total ...
05/12/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/10/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
02/25/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
02/14/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
01/09/2014 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
11/12/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
10/11/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
09/17/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
08/26/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
07/16/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseSOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: Diquat detection DETAILS: ...
07/08/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
06/19/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
05/31/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseSOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: Phthalates detect at Lacey ...
04/12/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
03/08/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
02/12/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
01/11/2013 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
12/27/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: A samp...
11/27/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
11/07/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
10/22/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
10/10/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
09/06/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
08/29/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
08/20/2012 NUSRALA, JAMES REGION 1 Water Quality ComplaintOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Complaint about water...
08/13/2012 GENTRY, CARRIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, VOC: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
06/13/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
06/13/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
02/01/2012 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
12/30/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detects DETAILS: Sampl...
12/07/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
11/30/2011 FARRELLY, PETER DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, GWR: SUMMARY: TC+ DETAILS: Pat calle...
11/04/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
08/17/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
08/11/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE and PCE detects DETAIL...
05/17/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/12/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
03/30/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
03/10/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
02/24/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC (second one...
02/15/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, Nitrate: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects, Ni...
02/09/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
02/08/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: See previous contact re...
02/04/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Two repeats +TC DETAIL...
02/02/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
01/13/2011 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
12/22/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
11/22/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
10/21/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
09/30/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC DETAILS: P...
05/12/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detections DET...
02/16/2010 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate over 1/2 MCL at ...
12/11/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
11/06/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
10/14/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE detect DETAILS: Sample...
09/17/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE detection DETAILS: A s...
09/17/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: TCE & PCE detections D...
09/11/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
08/21/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
08/21/2009 BAIRD, GREGG REGION 1 Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate alert for EP-M ...
05/22/2009 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
02/12/2009 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate over 1/2 MCL (Sa...
10/30/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine taken 10/27/08 ...
10/20/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine +TC on Monday 1...
09/25/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate over 1/2 MCL (Sa...
06/13/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate over 1/2 MCL (EP...
05/09/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/17/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
03/25/2008 BAIRD, GREGG DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: PCE and TCE detects DETAIL...
04/19/2007 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryOther, N/A: SUMMARY: Small Water System Trainin...
01/22/2007 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Operations: SUMMARY: reported routine...
01/18/2007 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Operations: SUMMARY: Positive routine...
09/05/2006 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, Operations: SUMMARY: Nitrate results o...
08/28/2006 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, Operations: SUMMARY: VOC Detections 3/23/...
04/24/2006 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Operations: SUMMARY: TCR - Positive R...
02/23/2006 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, Operations: SUMMARY: Positive TC Rout...
12/07/2005 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: TCR repeat sample 11/17...
10/27/2005 WAUN, GEORGE DWP Other RegulatoryOperations, N/A: SUMMARY: Discussion of fluorid...
06/30/2005 CHARBONNEAU, TOM JACKSON COUNTY Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine positive TC sam...
06/30/2005 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Routine Positive TC for...
12/22/2004 LAWYER, BILL MARION COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A:
08/09/2004 POTTS, JOHN DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A:
02/26/2004 LELAND, DAVE DWP Other RegulatoryVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: VOC
02/17/2004 HUNT, ANNETTE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: Nitrate
11/12/2003 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Coliform
05/20/2003 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: Coliform
04/09/2003 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: VOC
02/12/2003 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL NO3 DETAILS: T CHAR...
11/25/2002 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: 02GR...
10/24/2002 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseVOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL VOC DETAILS: T CHARBON...
11/09/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
10/15/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
10/05/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
10/03/2001 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M GR...
10/03/2001 GRIMM, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: M GR...
08/24/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL NO3 DETAILS: T CHAR...
03/29/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
03/29/2001 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseNitrate, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL NO3 DETAILS: T CHAR...
03/16/2001 RIGWOOD, BRIAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: B RI...
03/16/2001 RIGWOOD, BRIAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: B RI...
03/16/2001 RIGWOOD, BRIAN DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: B RI...
12/04/2000 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T CH...
08/10/2000 WAYBRIGHT, BONNIE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: B WA...
09/14/1999 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseSOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL SOC DETAILS: T CHARBON...
07/28/1999 STEPP, BART DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: BART STEPP from the state co...
05/19/1999 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseSOCs, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL SOC DETAILS: T. CHARBO...
05/19/1999 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: T. CHARBONNEAU from the stat...
04/08/1999 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: T. C...
03/03/1997 SALIS, KARI DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: SALI...
02/08/1996 SHERMAN, RICK MARION COUNTY Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: R SHERMAN from the county co...
02/08/1996 CHARBONNEAU, TOM DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: T CHARBONNEAU from the state...
02/07/1995 PATTERSON, MIKE DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseColiform, N/A: SUMMARY: MCL COLI DETAILS: MIKE...
07/13/1993 NELSON, DENNIS DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseN/A, N/A: DETAILS: DENNIS NELSON from the state...
05/19/1993 WHITELEY, MIKE DWP Other RegulatoryN/A, N/A: DETAILS: MICHAEL WHITELEY from the st...
07/23/1992 PUTNAM, KURT DWP Water Quality Alert ResponseN/A, N/A: DETAILS: KURT PUTNAM from the state c...
03/17/1992 CURRY, SCOTT DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: SCOTT CURRY from the state c...
06/30/1987 PERRY, TOM DWP Survey/Deficiency Follow-upN/A, N/A: DETAILS: TOM PERRY from the state com...

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