OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
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Date Range:  Contact reports from 2024-10-30 through 2024-11-30
Activity Status:  Active systems only

Results:  229 contact reports or advisories found for the selected criteria.
Click on a blue column heading to sort by that field.
Regulating AgencyCounty ServedPWS PWS Name System
Population Primary
Assistance Type Date Details and
Contact Info
LINN COUNTYLinn00004 ALBANY TRAILER AND RV PARK, LLC C 130 GW Violation Response 11/01/2024Operations: I am reaching out about your violat...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00042 ANTELOPE, CITY OF C 55 GW Other Regulatory 11/12/2024Change in DRC - Spoke with Sarah from the City ...
REGION 1Clatsop00802 ARCH CAPE WATER DISTRICT C 200 SW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Disinfection Byproducts: Spoke to DRC, Matt Gar...
REGION 1Tillamook00199 BEAVER WATER DISTRICT C 600 SW Violation Response 11/25/2024SWTR: DWS staff contacted system personnel rega...
REGION 2Curry00149 BROOKINGS, CITY OF C 7,120 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 10/31/2024Operations: 2024 PWS Survey 10.16.2024-Opera...
REGION 2Linn00152 BROWNSVILLE, CITY OF C 1,906 GU Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Phone contact to operator, discussed ...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00154 BUTTE FALLS, TOWN OF C 440 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/18/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00154 BUTTE FALLS, TOWN OF C 440 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
MARION COUNTYMarion00066 CENTURY MEADOWS INC C 480 GW Boil Water 11/27/2024
- 12/05/2024
Loss of Pressure: Lee called to inform our offi...
MARION COUNTYMarion00772 CHAPARRAL MOBILE RANCH C 110 GW Boil Water 11/21/2024
- 11/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: A power outage occurred late ...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00562 CHEHALEM MTN SUN RIDGE WATER CO C 70 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00562 CHEHALEM MTN SUN RIDGE WATER CO C 70 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/30/2024Coliform: Received notification that repeat sam...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00562 CHEHALEM MTN SUN RIDGE WATER CO C 70 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Spoke to Jessica, notified her we rec...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05426 CHEHALEM TERRACE WATER COMPANY C 30 GWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00558 CHEHALEM VALLEY WATER ASSN C 75 GWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Maureen that CCR has not been certifie...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine01021 CIRCLE TREE MOBILE PARK/RANCH C 57 GW Other Regulatory 11/08/2024Lead or Copper: Service Line Inventory - update...
REGION 1Clackamas00187 CLACKAMAS RIVER WATER C 29,918 SW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Lead or Copper: The system is still having issu...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00694 CLINE FALLS OASIS IMPRV DIST C 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/26/2024Coliform: All 3 repeats following 11/21 routine...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00694 CLINE FALLS OASIS IMPRV DIST C 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Routine coliform 11/21 TC+. Emailed ...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine01254 CLOVERCREST COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Called Mr. Robertson and let him know...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00203 COLUMBIA CITY MUN WATERWORKS C 1,995 GW Other Regulatory 11/05/2024Water System Survey scheduling - I called Micah...
REGION 2Coos00205 COOS BAY NORTH BEND WTR BRD C 34,500 SW Boil Water 11/02/2024
- 11/04/2024
Loss of Pressure: The Coos Bay-North Bend Water...
REGION 2Coos00205 COOS BAY NORTH BEND WTR BRD C 34,500 SW Boil Water 11/19/2024
- 11/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: The Coos Bay-North Bend Water...
REGION 1Morrow01182 COUNTRY GARDEN ESTATES MHP C 175 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Nitrate, Coliform: The water system had collect...
LANE COUNTYLane01403 COUNTRY VIEW ESTATES WS C 104 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/30/2024Coliform: Phone call with Don Harkins regarding...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00793 COUNTRY VILLA MOBILE ESTATES C 90 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/04/2024Other, Operations: Pam Benson called to discuss...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01289 COVE ORCHARD WATER ASSOCIATION C 300 SWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Sharon that CCR has not been certified...
REGION 1Hood River00386 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER DISTRICT C 5,973 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/26/2024GWR: On 11/25/24 I received an alert for a tota...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01518 CSWA CHEHALEM SPRINGS C 130 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01519 CSWA OLIVER SPRING C 40 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01233 DEER ISLAND WATERWORKS C 90 GW Violation Response 11/08/2024Other, Operations: I forwarded the Public Notic...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01046 DEER VIEW COOPERATIVE C 90 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/07/2024I returned a phone call from John Arand with De...
REGION 1Umatilla01330 DESIRE FOR HEALING, INC C 33 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Coliform: The water system had collected its mo...
REGION 2Curry94398 ELK RIVER CAMPGROUND C 64 GW Other Regulatory 11/22/2024SLI - Service Line Inventory 11.22.2024-Th...
LINN COUNTYLinn00472 FIR GROVE MOBILE COURT C 114 GW Violation Response 11/01/2024Operations: I am reaching out about your violat...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01517 FOX RIDGE WATER CO C 60 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/05/2024John sent me email verification confirming ERP ...
LINN COUNTYLinn00024 GRAND PRAIRIE WATER SUPPLY CO C 110 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/12/2024Coliform: Called the operator about the recent ...
REGION 1Umatilla00372 HERMISTON, CITY OF C 19,696 SW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Received alert for a total coliform p...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01464 HIDDEN MEADOWS WATER ASSN INC C 110 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Lead or Copper: Notified Jessica that CCR has n...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05398 HILAND WC - FRYER HILL C 32 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05917 HILAND WC - HILLVIEW C 38 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
MARION COUNTYMarion00748 HILAND WC - LOMBARD C 300 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Coliform: I emailed Jessica a copy of the L1 co...
MARION COUNTYMarion00748 HILAND WC - LOMBARD C 300 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/05/2024Coliform: Left voice message for Jessica instru...
REGION 2Lincoln00601 HILAND WC - RIVERBEND C 172 GU Violation Response 11/21/2024SWTR: Jessica Perryman contacted DWS to inform ...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill06213 HILAND WC - STABLES C 20 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05940 HILAND WC - WILDERNESS C 20 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01538 HILAND WC - WYLAND C 25 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00251 HOPEWELL WATER COMPANY C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Left voicemail and follow up email to...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00251 HOPEWELL WATER COMPANY C 100 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Brett that CCR has not been certified....
BENTON COUNTYBenton00174 KNOLL TERRACE PARK C 452 GW Boil Water 11/25/2024
- 11/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: The operator reported a total...
LANE COUNTYLANE01564 LAKESIDE MOBILE HOME PARK (A) C 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/26/2024Arsenic: Left voice mail for Retha regarding qu...
REGION 2Coos00463 LAKESIDE WATER DISTRICT C 1,800 SW Other Regulatory 11/07/2024Other: Annual water system fee unpaid - 11.07....
REGION 2Linn00473 LEBANON, CITY OF C 18,945 SW Other Water Quality 11/12/2024water operations - Spoke with Tyson today rega...
REGION 2Lane00239 LONDON WATER CO-OP C 63 SW Boil Water 11/01/2024 - OpenTreatment Failure, Filtration: System issued a ...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05159 LUNNVILLE WATER DISTRICT C 32 SWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Ed that CCR has not been certified. Re...
REGION 1Clatsop00805 MAPLE ELSIE WATER SERVICE C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: May invalidate sample tap and choose ...
REGION 1Clatsop00805 MAPLE ELSIE WATER SERVICE C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I spoke with Jen Lynch at Maple Elsie...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia06090 MCCUDDYS LANDING C 70 GW Other Regulatory 11/22/2024Other, Operations: Public Notice - request for ...
REGION 1Umatilla00616 MCKAY ACRES IMPROVEMENT DIST C 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: The water system had collected its ro...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00725 MCNULTY WATER PUD C 2,500 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: CCPH received a Water Quality Alert f...
REGION 2Jackson00513 MEDFORD WATER COMMISSION C 95,354 SW Incident Response 11/16/2024Operations: On Saturday afternoon, a water main...
REGION 1Columbia01139 MIDLAND WATER ASSOCIATION C 160 SW Boil Water 11/14/2024 - OpenTreatment Failure, Filtration: The Creek was to...
REGION 1Clackamas00528 MILWAUKIE, CITY OF C 20,946 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/20/2024Coliform: A routine coliform sample returned TC...
LANE COUNTYLane00292 MINT ACRES WATER CO-OP C 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Coliform: Email to operator (phone listed is no...
COOS COUNTYCoos00575 NORTH BAYSIDE ESTATES-NORTH C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Spoke to Pam about a routine sample s...
COOS COUNTYCoos00575 NORTH BAYSIDE ESTATES-NORTH C 65 GW Monitoring 11/13/2024Coliform: On November 6, 2024 sdwis shows 4 rep...
COOS COUNTYCoos00575 NORTH BAYSIDE ESTATES-NORTH C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Coliform: Sent Michelle an email forwarding the...
COOS COUNTYCoos01463 NORTH BAYSIDE ESTATES-SOUTH C 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Spoke to Pam about a routine sample s...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00560 NORTHWEST NEWBERG WATER ASSN C 250 GWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Ron that CCR has not been certified. R...
REGION 1Clackamas01512 OAK LODGE WATER SERVICES C 30,000 SWP Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: I left a message with Ryan asking to ...
COOS COUNTYCoos00569 OCEAN PINES PARK C 50 GW Violation Response 11/19/2024Operations: I spoke with Scott about how to fin...
COOS COUNTYCoos00569 OCEAN PINES PARK C 50 GW Violation Response 11/25/2024Scott called concerned with 3 violations showin...
MARION COUNTYMarion00960 OR YOUTH AUTHORITY - MACLAREN C 750 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Arsenic: Dean called to report that his yearly ...
REGION 1Clackamas01511 OREGON CITY C 33,940 SWP Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Mallory informed me that one of their...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill05308 OXBERG WATER SYSTEM #1 C 90 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
REGION 1Tillamook00609 PACIFIC CITY JOINT WATER - SAN AUTH C 1,000 SW Boil Water 11/09/2024
- 11/12/2024
Loss of Pressure: System issued 2 partial boil ...
REGION 1Tillamook00609 PACIFIC CITY JOINT WATER - SAN AUTH C 1,000 SW Water Quality Alert Response 11/20/2024Disinfection Byproducts: The system contacted D...
REGION 2Benton00624 PHILOMATH PUBLIC WORKS C 4,670 SW Boil Water 11/13/2024
- 11/14/2024
Loss of Pressure: The city of Philomath has a p...
POLK COUNTYPolk00784 PIONEER PARK CO-OP INC C 54 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/14/2024Tyrone emailed me on 11/14/2024 at 8:07 stating...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01322 PLEASANT VIEW WATER CO C 120 SWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Sue that CCR has not been certified. R...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00692 PRESCOTT, CITY OF C 70 GW Other Regulatory 11/27/2024Arsenic, Other, Operations: Public Notice - req...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson90670 PROSPECT VILLAGE C 175 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Coliform: I left a voicemail for the operator r...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson90670 PROSPECT VILLAGE C 175 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: The operator called me to inform me t...
REGION 2Curry01062 RAINBOW ROCK VILLAGE MHP C 115 GU Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/19/2024Operations: 2024 WS Survey 11.19.2024-Opera...
LANE COUNTYLane00240 RIVERSTONE MOBILE HOME PARK C 168 GW Violation Response 11/14/2024GWR: Phone call with James Boardman regarding f...
MARION COUNTYMarion01119 ROYAL ESTATES C 160 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Coliform: I emailed Caitlyn and Phillip remindi...
MARION COUNTYMarion01119 ROYAL ESTATES C 160 GW Boil Water 11/20/2024
- 11/26/2024
Loss of Pressure: The WS has issued a boil wate...
MARION COUNTYMarion01119 ROYAL ESTATES C 160 GW Boil Water 10/30/2024
- 11/01/2024
Loss of Pressure: The WS has issued a boil wate...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00407 RYANS OUTPOST C 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
MARION COUNTYMarion00779 SALEM MOBILE ESTATES/SHADY ACRES C 150 GW Other Regulatory 11/13/2024Lead or Copper: LCR invalidation - Invalidation...
COOS COUNTYCoos00573 SAND-N-WOOD MOBILE VILLA C 60 GW Other Regulatory 11/05/2024Other: OHA Correspondence - Judy called questio...
REGION 2Curry01201 SAUNDERS CREEK HOC C 75 GW Other Regulatory 11/13/2024New contact person - 11.13.2024-Deb reached out...
REGION 2Curry01201 SAUNDERS CREEK HOC C 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/29/2024Coliform: TC positive in RT, RPs and TG samples...
LINN COUNTYLinn00796 SCIO MOBILE VILLAGE C 40 GW Violation Response 11/01/2024Operations: I am reaching out about your violat...
MARION COUNTYMarion01025 SCOFIELD MOBILE HOME COURT C 39 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Arsenic: Spoke with Jesus about the arsenic sam...
WASCO COUNTYWasco05384 SHANIKO WATER SYSTEM C 38 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/12/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator and followe...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01448 SMGV/WIDGI CREEK C 300 GW Other Regulatory 11/12/2024Other: E.coli + follow up - Conducted Level 2...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01323 SOUTH YAMHILL WATER DISTRICT C 40 SWP Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Notified Melanie that their routine c...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01323 SOUTH YAMHILL WATER DISTRICT C 40 SWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Notified Melanie that CCR has not bee...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill00561 SPRINGBROOK WATER ASSOCIATION C 38 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Jessica that CCR has not been certifie...
REGION 1Umatilla01507 STANFIELD HUTTERIAN C 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: The water system had collected its mo...
REGION 1Marion00768 SUBURBAN EAST SALEM WD C 13,900 SWP Violation Response 11/26/2024Lead or Copper: SESWD received a violation for ...
REGION 2Coos00209 SUMNER WATER CORPORATION C 50 SW Enforcement 11/04/2024SWTR: 2024-09-19-BCA Update 11.04.2024- The ...
MARION COUNTYMarion00757 SURFWOOD VILLA HOA C 200 GW Other Regulatory 11/14/2024Lead or Copper: LSL Inventory Update - Steve ca...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01495 SWEDETOWN WATER ASSOC C 40 GW Other Regulatory 11/06/2024Operations: Water System Contact Update request...
REGION 1Tillamook00893 TILLAMOOK WATER DEPT, CITY OF C 5,265 SW Incident Response 11/04/2024Operations: On 11/4/2024 the system notified DW...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook01035 TONE WATER DISTRICT C 75 SWP Water Quality Complaint 11/19/2024Arsenic: A customer of TWD reached out to DWS s...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01339 VALLEY VIEW WATER CO-OP C 99 SWP Violation Response 11/13/2024Notified Meg that CCR has not been certified. R...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01223 WALNUT MOBILE HOME PARK C 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Called system DRC. She already knew a...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01223 WALNUT MOBILE HOME PARK C 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/18/2024Coliform: Contacted DRC about the coliform dete...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00931 WAMIC WATER ASSOCIATION C 130 GW Violation Response 11/26/2024Spoke with Richard that the CCR Form has not be...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01109 WATER WONDERLAND IMPROV DIST 1 C 550 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: All 3 repeats and the triggered sourc...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01109 WATER WONDERLAND IMPROV DIST 1 C 550 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: Routine coliform 11/20/24 TC+. Calle...
REGION 2Coos05581 WEISS ESTATES WATER SYSTEM C 36 SW Other Regulatory 11/14/2024Lead or Copper: SLI overdue - 11.14.2024-Ope...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01172 WESTERN HILLS MH ESTATES C 375 GW Monitoring 11/01/2024Operations: DWS notified CCPH that during their...
REGION 1Umatilla00949 WESTON, CITY OF C 714 GW Other Regulatory 11/08/2024Operations: Water main break - no pressure loss...
REGION 1Clatsop00195 WESTPORT HEIGHTS C 90 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Phone number appears to be a fax mach...
REGION 2Curry94489 WHALESHEAD BEACH RESORT, LLC C 108 GU Other Regulatory 11/19/2024Operations: Inspection - 2024 Inspection 11...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington00381 WOLSBORN FARMS WATER DISTRICT C 90 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Operations: Contacted David to inform him that ...
REGION 1Baker94825 A-FRAME RV PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: On 11/6, a site visit was made for a ...
LINN COUNTYLinn95286 ALBANY MENNONITE CHURCH NC 80 GW Violation Response 10/30/2024Coliform: There are currently two missing quart...
LINN COUNTYLinn95419 ALBANY RIFLE & PISTOL CLUB NC 50 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the missing c...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90030 ARROWHEAD GOLF CLUB NC 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/05/2024Coliform: Emailed the system contact to let him...
COOS COUNTYCoos95588 BANDON CROSSINGS GC CYPRESS NC 60 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/05/2024Other: Brant wanted to know next steps after su...
BENTON COUNTYBenton94888 BENTON CO PKS SALMONBERRY CG NC 43 GW Violation Response 11/12/2024Coliform: Benton County Parks Salmonberry Campg...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas95041 BIG K GUEST RANCH, THE NC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/21/2024Coliform: Operator was contacted about positive...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas95041 BIG K GUEST RANCH, THE NC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Operator was aware that the not all o...
LANE COUNTYLane90625 BLM SHOTGUN REC SITE NC 221 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Left voicemail message for Claire to ...
LANE COUNTYLane90625 BLM SHOTGUN REC SITE NC 221 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Left voicemail message for Claire reg...
REGION 2Lane91786 CAMP BAKER BSA NC 75 SW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Phone contact from operator regarding...
LINN COUNTYLinn05155 CAMP PIONEER BSA NC 200 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the recent mi...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington95623 CHEHALEM RIDGE NATURE PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Contacted Cole Hawkey regarding the 4...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington95623 CHEHALEM RIDGE NATURE PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/18/2024Coliform: Received an email from Cole Hawkey re...
DEPT OF AGRICULTURELinn95023 CIRCLE K #9640 NC 50 GW Priority Non-Complier 10/30/2024Coliform: System is a PNC for lack of coliform ...
REGION 2Coos94557 COOS CO PKS - LAVERNE NC 40 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/18/2024Other: Survey deficiencies update 11.18.2024...
REGION 2Coos94558 COOS CO PKS - WEST LAVERNE NC 40 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/18/2024Other: Survey deficiencies update 11.18.2024...
REGION 2Curry94742 CURRY CO PKS BOICE COPE PARK NC 36 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 10/30/2024Operations: 2024 Survey Report 10.30.2024 ...
LANE COUNTYLane94942 EUGENE PREMIER RV RESORT NC 200 GW Other Regulatory 11/21/2024Other: Inactivating PWS - Phone call with Mel S...
BENTON COUNTYBenton95554 GARLAND NURSERY NC 90 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Nitrate: I spoke to Justin regarding the recent...
LINN COUNTYLinn95622 GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP NC 42 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Emailed OHA and requested the violati...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93502 GRANTS PASS MOOSE LODGE #2454 NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/14/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with Mr. Rose about ...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine94002 JOSEPHINE CO PKS ALMEDA BAR PK NC 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/05/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with Josh Sabota the...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia95338 KANDIS KOFFEE SOUTH NC 100 GW Other Regulatory 11/15/2024Other, Operations: Water System Name and Owners...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREDouglas94692 LIGHTHOUSE CENTER BAKERY NC 300 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/21/2024Coliform: Positive total coliform result for an...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath94775 LONE PINE TRAILER PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Coliform: I called Donna regarding the coliform...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine95259 MERLIN LDS CHURCH NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/21/2024Coliform: Called and left a message for the Mai...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine95259 MERLIN LDS CHURCH NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/26/2024Coliform: I received a voicemail from Mr. Stegn...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93484 MERLIN MOBILE HOME PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Called and left a message for Mr. Eat...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93484 MERLIN MOBILE HOME PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: Contacted the operator Mr Eaton, and ...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93484 MERLIN MOBILE HOME PARK NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Called and spoke to Mr. Eaton this af...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93484 MERLIN MOBILE HOME PARK NC 25 GW Boil Water 11/27/2024 - OpenE. coli, Confirmed at GW Source Without Treatme...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah91943 METRO PARKS - OXBOW NC 822 GW Boil Water 11/04/2024
- 11/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: Email received today at 12:35...
LANE COUNTYLane95509 OAKRIDGE CHAPEL NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/21/2024Coliform: Email communication with operator no...
LANE COUNTYLane95509 OAKRIDGE CHAPEL NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/18/2024Coliform: Email from Yanira regarding TC+ routi...
LANE COUNTYLane95509 OAKRIDGE CHAPEL NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Phone call with Yanira regarding TC+ ...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington95321 ODF REEHERS CAMPGROUND NC 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Contacted Roger to inform him that al...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington95321 ODF REEHERS CAMPGROUND NC 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Coliform: Roger was contacted regarding all tem...
MARION COUNTYMarion94148 OTE SANTIAM RIVER RA-NORTH NC 3,000 GW Incident Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Emailed Josh and Julie regarding the ...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREJackson95653 RED LILY VINEYARDS NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Email contact was made with the opera...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREJackson95714 RUSTED GATE FARM NC 32 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/01/2024Nitrate: Contacted operator today to let them k...
MARION COUNTYMarion94551 SILVER INN NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/26/2024Coliform: The water system collected 2 samples ...
MARION COUNTYMarion94551 SILVER INN NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Called and left voice message for Rac...
MARION COUNTYMarion94551 SILVER INN NC 100 GW Boil Water 11/08/2024 - OpenE. coli, Confirmed at GW Source Without Treatme...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95597 STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/12/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
LINN COUNTYLinn94767 SUBWAY HWY 34 & I5 NC 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: Called and left a voicemail with oper...
LINN COUNTYLinn94767 SUBWAY HWY 34 & I5 NC 200 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the recent mi...
LINN COUNTYLinn91675 THE DAM BAR NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: A level 2 coliform investigation is n...
LANE COUNTYLane95061 THE MCKENZIE RESORT NC 45 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/05/2024Coliform: Left voice mail message for Kyler Rid...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson93672 THE SANCTUARY NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: This property is under new ownership ...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas93438 TIMBER RIVER RV PARK NC 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/04/2024Coliform: Positive Coliform in Distribution Op...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson94715 TRAIL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP NC 151 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
LINCOLN COUNTYLincoln92726 USFS CAPE PERPETUA VISITOR CTR NC 1,250 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/18/2024Coliform: TCR: 3 Repeat sample(s) within 24 ho...
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River92634 USFS CLOUD CAP/COOPER SPUR NC 30 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Email reminder sent to operator regar...
WASCO COUNTYWasco92595 USFS ROCK CREEK WORK CENTER NC 50 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/26/2024I spoke with Kevin Turner, who was previously l...
REGION 2Lake01090 USFS SILVER LAKE RS NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Contacted Jim Maclaren to let him kno...
LINN COUNTYLinn05073 VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER NC 32 GW Violation Response 10/30/2024Coliform: Lab incorrectly labeled the 3rd quart...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95718 WILLAMETTE HAZELNUT INC NC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Positive total coliform result for a ...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95718 WILLAMETTE HAZELNUT INC NC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/05/2024Coliform: Coliform test from 10/31/24 at bath a...
LINN COUNTYLinn05130 WILLAMETTE SPEEDWAY NC 33 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the recent mi...
REGION 1Malheur93646 WILLOWCREEK STORE & CAFE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Coliform: Received a call from the lab that the...
REGION 1Malheur93646 WILLOWCREEK STORE & CAFE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Nitrate: Received a call from the lab that the ...
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River95504 WINDANCE BUSINESS PARK NC 215 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Coliform: Email reminder sent to operator regar...
LINN COUNTYLinn01235 CENTURY DRIVE RENTALS NP 20 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the recent mi...
REGION 2Curry05777 FLORAS LAKE HOUSE B & B NP 15 GW Monitoring 11/08/2024Nitrate: 11.008.2024-Operator submitted copy of...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Coliform: I called and spoke with Carol Hurley ...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson05539 HINSON ESTATES WATER SYSTEM NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: I called the operator regarding the T...
REGION 2Curry91202 ILLAHE LODGE NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/07/2024Coliform: TC positive on 10.30.2024 11.07.24-O...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREClackamas95402 LIBERTY NATURAL PRODUCTS NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator at Liberty ...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath06198 MARINA PARK HOA NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/30/2024Coliform: Contacted Bryan to provide guidance i...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia90511 PGE TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT NP 18 GW Other Regulatory 10/31/2024Other, Operations: Update - source change plans...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia90511 PGE TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT NP 18 GW Other Regulatory 11/05/2024Other, Operations: Sampling prior to putting We...
LINN COUNTYLinn05516 RICHARDSONS GAP WELL SYSTEM NP 12 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Left a voicemail for the operator abo...
LINCOLN COUNTYLincoln05205 RIVER REST TRAILER PARK NP 12 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Distribution Sample taken on November...
REGION 1Umatilla05499 SMEDBERG ADDITION NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Received alert for a total coliform p...
COOS COUNTYCoos05558 TIMBER PARK WATER ASSOC NP 23 GW Other Regulatory 11/08/2024Other: Nitrate letter - Bob Strehl called quest...
LINN COUNTYLinn95566 BARENBRUG WATER SYSTEM NTNC 100 GW Other Regulatory 11/12/2024Lead or Copper, Operations: Lead service line i...
LINN COUNTYLinn95566 BARENBRUG WATER SYSTEM NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: Spoke with operator would the procedu...
MARION COUNTYMarion94699 BROOKS CSD NTNC 450 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Alex called to report the TC detectio...
LINN COUNTYLinn91663 CLOVER RIDGE ELEMENTARY NTNC 305 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/21/2024Nitrate: Water system will continue to monitor ...
LANE COUNTYLane95128 COE LOOKOUT PT-PH/DEXTER NTNC 43 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: Left voice mail for Jason Owens notif...
LANE COUNTYLane95128 COE LOOKOUT PT-PH/DEXTER NTNC 43 GW Boil Water 11/27/2024 - OpenE. coli, Confirmed in Distribution: Phone call ...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05201 COLD SPRINGS WATER CO NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: Sent email to Lisa Grigg regarding th...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05201 COLD SPRINGS WATER CO NTNC 100 GW Other Water Quality 11/22/2024Lead or Copper: Lead and Copper exceedance - Se...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05201 COLD SPRINGS WATER CO NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/15/2024Coliform: Sente email regarding the need to col...
LANE COUNTYLane91810 FERN RIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL NTNC 430 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/12/2024Coliform: Phone call with Dan regarding TC+ tri...
LANE COUNTYLane91810 FERN RIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL NTNC 430 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/08/2024Lead or Copper: Phone call with Daniel; excursi...
LANE COUNTYLane91810 FERN RIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL NTNC 430 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/06/2024Coliform: Phone call with Daniel regarding TC+ ...
LANE COUNTYLane94958 FIDDLERS GREEN NTNC 100 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/14/2024Operations: Phone call with Tim Whalen; he had ...
LANE COUNTYLane95069 JASPER MOUNTAIN CENTER NTNC 65 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 11/07/2024Other: Phone call with Holli regarding survey/d...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95343 LAKE CREEK LEARNING CTR NTNC 50 SWP Water Quality Alert Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
LINN COUNTYLinn94322 LINN WEST NTNC 80 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: I am reaching out about the recent mi...
LANE COUNTYLANE95707 MAPLETON SCHOOL DISTRICT NTNC 175 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/25/2024Coliform: Email response back to Jeron regardin...
BENTON COUNTYBenton93712 MUDDY CREEK CHARTER SCHOOL NTNC 125 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/19/2024Coliform: Sam reported that his fourth quarter ...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook90595 NESTUCCA VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NTNC 325 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/31/2024Disinfection Byproducts: On 10/29/2024 I receiv...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREMarion05714 NORTHWEST HAZELNUT COMPANY NTNC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/12/2024Nitrate: I spoke with Glenn Cloyd at Northwest ...
LINN COUNTYLinn91693 OUR LADY OF LOURDES CATHOLIC CHURCH NTNC 49 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/20/2024Coliform: Water Operator called about the recen...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington95014 RESERVE VINEYARDS & GOLF CLUB NTNC 300 GW Violation Response 11/13/2024Lead or Copper: Contacted Fili to inform him th...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas94108 RICE HILL OWNERS ASSOCIATION NTNC 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/01/2024IOCs: Contacted operator to ask about the reaso...
LINN COUNTYLinn95528 RIVERBEND ORGANIC FARMS NTNC 38 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Emailed OHA and requested that the re...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah91953 SKYLINE ELEMENTARY SD 1J NTNC 250 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Called and left message regarding the...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah91953 SKYLINE ELEMENTARY SD 1J NTNC 250 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/27/2024Coliform: Called and left a message with Kenzy ...
LANE COUNTYLane91879 TWIN OAKS ELEMENTARY SD 4J NTNC 170 GW Informal Compliance Schedule 11/22/2024Lead or Copper: Email to Jesse Sell to let him ...
SHERMAN COUNTYSherman94203 USACE JOHN DAY DAM NTNC 120 GW Incident Response 11/05/2024Chlorine: The operator notified our office and ...
- 11/18/2024
Loss of Pressure: Gretchen called to report a l...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 10/31/2024Called Daniel Graber at 4:18 pm to inform them ...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/14/2024Coliform: Received a phone call from Daniel. Th...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Water Quality Alert Response 11/22/2024Coliform: I emailed Daniel to inform them that ...
LINN COUNTYLinn94317 WOODCASTLE NTNC 40 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Emailed OHA to request that the outst...
LINN COUNTYLinn94317 WOODCASTLE NTNC 40 GW Violation Response 10/31/2024Coliform: Emailed OHA to request that the outst...

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