OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Reports
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Assistance Type:  All
Reason:  All
Date Range:  Contact reports from 2024-09-02 through 2024-10-02
Activity Status:  Active systems only

Results:  231 contact reports or advisories found for the selected criteria.
Click on a blue column heading to sort by that field.
Regulating AgencyCounty ServedPWS PWS Name System
Population Primary
Assistance Type Date Details and
Contact Info
REGION 1Washington00081 BEAVERTON, CITY OF C 80,000 SWP Boil Water 10/02/2024
- 10/03/2024
Loss of Pressure: System issued a partial boil ...
REGION 2Coos90861 CAMP MYRTLEWOOD NC 75 SW Violation Response 10/02/2024SWTR, Operations: 10.02.2024-Request made to DM...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson05761 CHERRY HEIGHTS WATER SYSTEM NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01233 DEER ISLAND WATERWORKS C 90 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 10/02/2024Operations: I spoke with Justin to provide him ...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine91908 HIDDEN VALLEY HIGH NTNC 546 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: Received a call from the system opera...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington94700 HORNINGS HIDEOUT NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: Sent email to owner regarding total c...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson01167 JAMES COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95000 LITHIA SPRINGS RESORT NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
LINN COUNTYLinn05033 MORAN WATER SYSTEM ASSOCIATION NP 13 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: Called and left a voicemail with the ...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREJackson95714 RUSTED GATE FARM NC 32 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: Today phone contact was made with the...
REGION 2Lincoln00798 SEAL ROCK WATER DISTRICT C 6,000 SW Boil Water 10/02/2024
- 10/07/2024
Loss of Pressure: The District is conducting wa...
MARION COUNTYMarion90587 SILVER CREST SCHOOL NTNC 158 GW Violation Response 10/02/2024Lead or Copper: Jeff called regarding the LCR v...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson94840 SOUTHERN OREGON WILDERNESS ADVENTURES NC 25 SWP Violation Response 10/02/2024Coliform: 10/2/24 - DWS contacted Jason and his...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath00831 SPRAGUE RIVER WATER ASSN C 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: I contacted MS. Robinson regarding th...
REGION 1Washington00665 TUALATIN VALLEY WATER DISTRICT C 224,600 SWP Boil Water 10/02/2024
- 10/03/2024
Loss of Pressure: System issued a partial boil ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas92878 USFS HOODVIEW PINE PT NC 500 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 10/02/2024Operations: System contact sent pictures of ins...
LANE COUNTYLane05197 VIKING ACRES WATER DISTRICT NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/02/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator, system w...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01043 CEDAR TREE MOBILE HOME PARK C 50 GW Boil Water 10/01/2024
- 10/03/2024
Loss of Pressure: CCPH received a complaint a r...
MARION COUNTYMarion06199 LINDQUIST WATER NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/01/2024Coliform: Called Michelle and discussed the add...
UNION COUNTYUnion93453 SPOUT SPRINGS WATER BOARD NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/01/2024Coliform: [Email included the following informa...
LINN COUNTYLinn91675 THE DAM BAR NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/01/2024Coliform: FYI, I am still unable to leave a voi...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95718 WILLAMETTE HAZELNUT INC NC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 10/01/2024Coliform: Coliform test from 9/26/24 at bath si...
MARION COUNTYMarion93761 BETHEL ELEMENTARY SD 24J NTNC 160 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Called Gretchen on 9/30/24 to discuss...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes95269 COMFORT VILLAGE NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Repeat and both triggered source samp...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson91033 JACKSON COUNTY CASEY PARK NC 100 GW Do Not Drink Water 09/30/2024 - OpenArsenic: Arsenic test results were over the acu...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01211 LIBERAL RANCHOS HOA NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Called operator and followed up with ...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95000 LITHIA SPRINGS RESORT NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: I communicated with the operator that...
POLK COUNTYPolk90495 OREGON OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTER NC 284 GW Monitoring 09/30/2024Coliform: Emailed Elaine to inform her that a n...
REGION 2Lane01515 ROW RIVER VALLEY WATER DIST C 340 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Spoke with operator and he stated tha...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas05485 SUN RAY DRIVE WATER SYSTEM NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with operator today....
LINN COUNTYLinn94874 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE NTNC 86 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/30/2024Coliform: Called and left a voicemail for the o...
MARION COUNTYMarion00068 DEER CREEK ESTATES C 350 GW Boil Water 09/29/2024
- 10/02/2024
Loss of Pressure: Lee sent an email to report t...
REGION 1Multnomah00657 PORTLAND WATER BUREAU C 666,200 SW Boil Water 09/28/2024
- 09/29/2024
Loss of Pressure: Yone emailed DWS to notify us...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson06316 777 GUEST RANCH NP 16 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
REGION 2Lincoln92038 DRIFT CREEK LANDING NC 34 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: 9/27/24 - DWS contacted system regard...
LINCOLN COUNTYLincoln94280 KING SILVER RV PARK C 62 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: 9/27/24 - DWS contacted system regard...
REGION 1Morrow05906 ODFW UMATILLA HATCHERY NP 12 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: Received alert that both the repeat a...
REGION 1Multnomah00657 PORTLAND WATER BUREAU C 666,200 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: Yone called to notify DWS of a total ...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill95247 ROBINSON NURSERY AMITY WS NTNC 70 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/27/2024Diana sent me backflow testing record on 9/27/2...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95284 ROGUE AQUATICS NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: The operator emailed me back that one...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00910 SPORTSMANS PARK WATER ASSN C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: I left a voice message to discuss the...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00406 SUNSHINE VILLAGE C 95 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/27/2024Coliform: The operator emailed me regarding the...
REGION 1Grant92738 USFS BULL PRAIRIE SPRG CG NC 25 GW Violation Response 09/27/2024Coliform: Jordy called after receiving notice o...
REGION 1Grant92738 USFS BULL PRAIRIE SPRG CG NC 25 GW Violation Response 09/27/2024Coliform: Jordy called after receiving notice o...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90030 ARROWHEAD GOLF CLUB NC 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Emailed the system operator that the ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01368 AVION WC-TUMALO WEST C 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Repeat sample taken 9/24/24 TC+. Thi...
LANE COUNTYLane01270 CAMP INDIOLA MHP NP 13 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Email contact with operator regarding...
REGION 2Curry91209 CURRY CO PKS LOBSTER CREEK NC 30 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/26/2024Other: 2024 Survey report 09.26.2024 - The...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington05132 GALES CREEK CAMP NC 360 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Sent email to Rob Dailey regarding th...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Other Regulatory 09/26/2024Operations: Water supply shortage follow up - I...
REGION 1Marion00744 KEIZER, CITY OF C 38,585 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Keizer notified DWS on 9/25 that they...
REGION 2Curry93429 KIMBALL CREEK BEND RESORT NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: TCR-2816 10.03.2024-Only the repea...
LANE COUNTYLane95498 NATURE DISCOVERY SCHOOL NTNC 62 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator, water sy...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas06041 RICE HILL WEST SUBDIVISION C 55 GW Other Water Quality 09/26/2024Other: Loss of pressure in system Public Notice...
POLK COUNTYPolk00704 RICKREALL WATER ASSOCIATION C 1,650 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Nitrate: Emailed Monica with nitrate results at...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95284 ROGUE AQUATICS NC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
- 09/27/2024
Loss of Pressure: Water system contact lane cou...
LINN COUNTYLinn91675 THE DAM BAR NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/26/2024Coliform: I'm checking about the recent colifor...
REGION 2Curry94489 WHALESHEAD BEACH RESORT, LLC C 108 GU Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/26/2024Other: 2024 Inspection 09.26.2024 Operat...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95718 WILLAMETTE HAZELNUT INC NC 35 GW Violation Response 09/26/2024Coliform: Contacted Emilio Pereira about the vi...
LINN COUNTYLinn95344 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BROWNSVILLE NC 45 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with the operator. O...
MARION COUNTYMarion94504 OPRD CHAMPOEG RIVERSIDE ST PK NC 141 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: David called to report the confirmed ...
JEFFERSON COUNTYJefferson05092 PGE SEE WATER SYSTEM NC 250 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: THIS SYSTEM HAD A POSITIVE HIT FROM T...
LINN COUNTYLinn91700 PIONEER VILLA NTNC 400 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Lead or Copper: Left a voicemail and emailed th...
MARION COUNTYMarion00779 SALEM MOBILE ESTATES/SHADY ACRES C 150 GW Violation Response 09/25/2024Nitrate: Sent the following email message to Je...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95597 STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: The operator emailed me back that all...
MARION COUNTYMarion05782 TAYLORS GROVE WATER WORKS C 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: Met with Kamala onsite for a water sy...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes05354 WEST C IMPROVEMENT DIST NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/25/2024Coliform: Routine coliform taken 9/23/24 TC+. ...
POLK COUNTYPolk90582 WESTERN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL NTNC 540 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/25/2024Talked to Daniel Graber in person. They are hav...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01368 AVION WC-TUMALO WEST C 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: One repeat sample following 9/18/24 r...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes95269 COMFORT VILLAGE NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: This OVS had TC+ routine 9/19/24. Ca...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00982 DEER ISLAND VILLAGE MHP C 100 GW Boil Water 09/24/2024
- 09/26/2024
E. coli, Confirmed at GW Source Without Treatme...
REGION 1Morrow05906 ODFW UMATILLA HATCHERY NP 12 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: Received alert for a total coliform p...
MARION COUNTYMarion94504 OPRD CHAMPOEG RIVERSIDE ST PK NC 141 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: I emailed David and reminded him to c...
REGION 2Curry00670 PORT ORFORD, CITY OF C 1,200 SW Other Regulatory 09/24/2024SWTR: Chlorine contact time - tracer study comp...
WASCO COUNTYWasco00910 SPORTSMANS PARK WATER ASSN C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: I spoke with Scott Napoli regarding...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson95597 STONERIDGE GOLF COURSE NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/24/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05904 VALLEY OF THE MOON NC 46 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/24/2024Other, Operations: I called and left a message ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01183 ARK RV PARK NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: System has been on a boil water advis...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas90030 ARROWHEAD GOLF CLUB NC 200 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with operator to ask...
MARION COUNTYMarion93761 BETHEL ELEMENTARY SD 24J NTNC 160 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Called and left a voicemail discussin...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath93639 CASCADE WTR IMPROVEMENT DIST NC 230 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Sent an email to Kim regarding the po...
DEPT OF AGRICULTURELinn95023 CIRCLE K #9640 NC 50 GW Priority Non-Complier 09/23/2024Coliform: Firm is a PNC. Visited store and disc...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01233 DEER ISLAND WATERWORKS C 90 GW Enforcement 09/23/2024Other, Operations: Upon notice of an Administra...
LINN COUNTYLinn05982 EASTGATE VET CLINIC NC 25 GW Violation Response 09/23/2024Lead or Copper, GWR: Called and spoke with an e...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREWashington95710 FAILLA WINES NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: The water system was contacted by pho...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine94933 GRANTS PASS COMMUNITY CHURCH NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Left a message for the system operato...
MARION COUNTYMarion94615 HITCHIN POST BAR & GRILL NC 50 GW Violation Response 09/23/2024Left a voicemail to remind operator to collect ...
MARION COUNTYMarion90299 LAST CHANCE SALOON NC 60 GW Violation Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Called to remind Jason about the 3 ro...
MARION COUNTYMarion94504 OPRD CHAMPOEG RIVERSIDE ST PK NC 141 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Called and left a voicemail discussin...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas95024 OREGON GOLF COURSE NTNC 35 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/23/2024Coliform: Left a message for the DRC to let him...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01327 OREGON SHORES BEACH CLUB INC C 352 GW Other Regulatory 09/23/2024Followup on previous voicemail - Left Matt a vo...
POLK COUNTYPolk00784 PIONEER PARK CO-OP INC C 54 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/23/2024Future operator contacted me to inform me they ...
LINN COUNTYLinn00030 SHOREWOOD ESTATES C 148 GW Monitoring 09/23/2024Operations: Operator called and notified me tha...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00860 TERREBONNE DOMESTIC WATER DISTRICT C 1,400 GW Other Regulatory 09/23/2024Other: Meeting on 9/23/24 - Contact Report 1 of...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00860 TERREBONNE DOMESTIC WATER DISTRICT C 1,400 GW Other Regulatory 09/23/2024Other: Meeting on 9/23/24 - Contact Report 2 of...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath05259 TINGLEY LAKE EST #1 NP 20 GW Other Regulatory 09/23/2024Loss of treatment - followup - Linda and I disc...
MARION COUNTYMarion00066 CENTURY MEADOWS INC C 480 GW Boil Water 09/22/2024
- 10/02/2024
Loss of Pressure: The water system lost pressur...
REGION 1Multnomah00359 CORBETT WATER DISTRICT C 2,954 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/21/2024Coliform: David and sampler Olivia called about...
REGION 1Malheur00002 ADRIAN, CITY OF C 159 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/20/2024Arsenic: Received alert for an arsenic result o...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah06159 BAILEY NURSERY NP 15 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/20/2024Coliform: Emailed Jon regarding the positive sa...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas93688 EAGLE VALLEY RV PARK C 70 GW Other Regulatory 09/20/2024Other, Operations: Reclassification to communit...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREClackamas94565 GINGERICH FARMS NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/20/2024Coliform: I was contacted by the operator of th...
REGION 1Malheur00588 GOLF MOBILE CITY C 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/20/2024Arsenic: Received alert for an arsenic result o...
LANE COUNTYLane00422 HARWOODS MOBILE MANOR C 65 GW Boil Water 09/20/2024
- 09/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: Phone contact with system ope...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95691 PENNER ASH WINE CELLARS NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/20/2024Coliform: Firm will be taking one triggered sam...
- 09/25/2024
Loss of Pressure: Line brake to C loop was repo...
LINN COUNTYLinn94478 USFS OLALLIE CG LOWER HP NC 85 GW Violation Response 09/20/2024Coliform: Emailed operator about missing colifo...
REGION 1Yamhill00041 AMITY, CITY OF C 1,810 SW Boil Water 09/19/2024 - OpenLoss of Pressure: The City of Amity is issuing ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01368 AVION WC-TUMALO WEST C 75 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Routine coliform taken 9/18/24 TC+. ...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah95481 BAILEY NURSERY REEDER RD MAIN NTNC 54 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Sent email to Jon after calling him r...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah06054 BIG OAK MARINA C 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Talked with Mark about the 2nd round ...
REGION 1Umatilla95314 COMFORT INN & SUITES-HERMISTON NC 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: The water system had collected their ...
REGION 2Coos94557 COOS CO PKS - LAVERNE NC 40 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/19/2024Other: Survey deficiencies update 09.19.2024...
REGION 2Coos94558 COOS CO PKS - WEST LAVERNE NC 40 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/19/2024Other: Survey deficiencies update 09.19.2024...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00982 DEER ISLAND VILLAGE MHP C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Other, Coliform: On 9/19/24 Oregon DWS notified...
REGION 1Umatilla01123 HALLS TRAILER COURT C 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: The water system collected its monthl...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01327 OREGON SHORES BEACH CLUB INC C 352 GW Violation Response 09/19/2024Matt left me a voicemail asking about the misse...
POLK COUNTYPolk01149 PERRYDALE DOMESTIC WTR ASSN C 2,655 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024IOCs: Emailed Steve to inform him that we recei...
REGION 2Curry00670 PORT ORFORD, CITY OF C 1,200 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/19/20242024 Survey Report 09.19.2024 - Quarterly ...
LINN COUNTYLinn00030 SHOREWOOD ESTATES C 148 GW Violation Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Called and spoke with Jim Skeslien. W...
MARION COUNTYMarion05782 TAYLORS GROVE WATER WORKS C 28 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Called Kamala and reminded her to col...
LINN COUNTYLinn91675 THE DAM BAR NC 50 GW Violation Response 09/19/2024Coliform: Tried calling the operator. no answer...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01183 ARK RV PARK NC 30 GW Boil Water 09/18/2024
- 10/04/2024
Other: System has not taken follow up source co...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01183 ARK RV PARK NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/18/2024Coliform: Emailed the system contact they they ...
REGION 1Multnomah00359 CORBETT WATER DISTRICT C 2,954 SW Boil Water 09/18/2024
- 09/19/2024
Loss of Pressure: Ana emailed me to notify DWS ...
REGION 2Curry94742 CURRY CO PKS BOICE COPE PARK NC 36 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/18/2024Operations: 2024 Survey Report 09.18.2024 ...
REGION 2Douglas95243 DIAMOND LAKE GAS STATION NC 45 SW Boil Water 09/18/2024 - OpenTreatment Failure, Disinfection: After site ins...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREClackamas94565 GINGERICH FARMS NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/18/2024Coliform: In response to the most recent routin...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01497 LAKEWOODS WATER DISTRICT NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/18/2024Coliform: I called Karen today and she noted th...
REGION 1Marion00731 SALEM PUBLIC WORKS C 199,820 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/18/2024Coliform: Salem notified DWS that one of their ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00111 SUN MOUNTAIN WATER SYSTEM LLC C 740 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/18/2024Coliform: Routine coliform taken 9/17/24 TC+. ...
JEFFERSON COUNTYJefferson05019 BLACK BUTTE ELEMENTARY SD 41 NTNC 28 GW Other Regulatory 09/17/2024Water System shut down - THIS SYSTEM IS RE-DOIN...
COOS COUNTYCoos95199 BLM NEW RIVER ACEC NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/17/2024GWR: Left phone message with Lura on friday 9/1...
LANE COUNTYLane01270 CAMP INDIOLA MHP NP 13 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/17/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator, discusse...
REGION 2Douglas95243 DIAMOND LAKE GAS STATION NC 45 SW Plan Review 09/17/2024I emailed water system contact and their engine...
LINCOLN COUNTYLincoln00880 SEARIVER DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT COMPANY NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/17/2024Coliform: Contacted operator Andy Mingo and lef...
YAMHILL COUNTYYamhill01323 SOUTH YAMHILL WATER DISTRICT C 40 SWP Violation Response 09/17/2024Coliform: Notified Melanie that they received a...
HOOD RIVER COUNTYHood River95504 WINDANCE BUSINESS PARK NC 215 GW Violation Response 09/17/2024Coliform: Reminder email sent to operator (Dave...
REGION 1Deschutes00091 AVION WC - GREATER AVION C 32,265 GW Boil Water 09/16/2024
- 09/23/2024
Loss of Pressure: Construction around the middl...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah06054 BIG OAK MARINA C 30 GW Boil Water 09/16/2024
- 09/24/2024
E. coli, Confirmed in Distribution: Talked with...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00117 DESCHUTES MOBILE PARK C 62 GW Other Regulatory 09/16/2024Other: Contact change and L & C - Received call...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson01175 GRANTS PASS MOBILE HOME PARK LLC C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/16/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator concerning ...
LANE COUNTYLane00238 LAMONTAI IMPROVEMENT WTR DIST C 255 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/16/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator, discusse...
REGION 1Clackamas01512 OAK LODGE WATER SERVICES C 30,000 SWP Water Quality Alert Response 09/16/2024Lead or Copper: The system is still hoping to r...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00121 WALLACE ACRES WATER COMPANY C 80 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/16/2024Coliform: Routine coliform taken 9/13 TC+. Ema...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01252 ESTACADA MOBILE VILLAGE C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Coliform: Contacted the park owner about the po...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01252 ESTACADA MOBILE VILLAGE C 150 GW Boil Water 09/13/2024
- 09/27/2024
E. coli, Confirmed in Distribution: Spoke with ...
REGION 1Malheur00588 GOLF MOBILE CITY C 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Nitrate: Received alert for a nitrate result of...
REGION 1Grant94812 GRANITE, CITY OF NP 17 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Coliform: Received a call from the lab that a r...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson01175 GRANTS PASS MOBILE HOME PARK LLC C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Coliform: I called the operator and left a voic...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREBenton05792 KAMMERER INDUSTRIAL PARK WS NTNC 32 GW Violation Response 09/13/2024Coliform: I spoke with Mr. Kammerer regarding t...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREBenton05792 KAMMERER INDUSTRIAL PARK WS NTNC 32 GW Violation Response 09/13/2024Coliform: I spoke with Mr. Kammerer regarding t...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath94405 OCONNORS IRISH PUB & DINER NC 40 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/13/2024I asked Sam about their back-flow prevention me...
POLK COUNTYPolk90495 OREGON OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTER NC 284 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Coliform: Emailed Elaine on 09/13/2024 to infor...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREMarion94279 PNW VEG CO, LLC DBA NORPAC NTNC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/13/2024Coliform: I spoke with the QA Manager who state...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas91026 BLM SUSAN CREEK CG NC 65 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: Total coliform present in distributio...
REGION 1Multnomah00359 CORBETT WATER DISTRICT C 2,954 SW Boil Water 09/12/2024
- 09/13/2024
Loss of Pressure: Ana emailed me to notify DWS ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00982 DEER ISLAND VILLAGE MHP C 100 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: I spoke with Donna about their water ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Other Regulatory 09/12/2024Operations: Follow up w/ Roger Hurley - On the ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01391 INGLIS WATER COOP WATER SYSTEM NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: In response to a positive total colif...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01391 INGLIS WATER COOP WATER SYSTEM NP 20 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: In response to a positive total colif...
CROOK COUNTYCrook00681 OCHOCO WEST WTR & SAN AUTHORITY C 400 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: FROM OCTOBER 2021, THIS SYSTEM HAD A ...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREMarion94279 PNW VEG CO, LLC DBA NORPAC NTNC 40 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: I spoke with the QA Manager at PNW VE...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01500 SHIELD CREST WATER ASSN C 65 GW Other Regulatory 09/12/2024LEVEL 2 INVESTIGATION FOLLOWUP - I spoke with J...
REGION 2Douglas94508 SUSAN CREEK MOBILE HOME PARK NP 20 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: I Contacted Connie Thomas by phone ab...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas01094 USFS TOKETEE RANGER STATION C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/12/2024Coliform: Talked to USFS staff person about Lev...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Other Regulatory 09/11/2024Operations: Water System Status: Follow Up - I ...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes00090 HUNNELL HILLS WATER SYSTEM C 45 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/11/2024Other: 9/1/2022 survey noted no ERP or O & M. ...
BENTON COUNTYBenton05548 RAINTREE ESTATES C 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/11/2024Coliform: I spoke with Allan regarding the rece...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath01500 SHIELD CREST WATER ASSN C 65 GW Other Regulatory 09/11/2024Level 2 Investigatin - I spoke with Jaren regar...
REGION 2Curry95331 USFS LOBSTER CREEK CG NC 36 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/11/20242024 WS Survey 09.11.2024 - Operator noti...
REGION 2Coos00552 BRIDGE WATER DISTRICT C 150 GU Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/10/2024 09.10.2024 Email sent to operator requesting...
MARION COUNTYMarion00066 CENTURY MEADOWS INC C 480 GW Boil Water 09/10/2024
- 09/17/2024
Loss of Pressure: Lee issued a boil notice for ...
JOSEPHINE COUNTYJosephine93502 GRANTS PASS MOOSE LODGE #2454 NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/10/2024Coliform: Called and left a message for Mr. Ros...
REGION 2Douglas00717 GREEN AREA WATER & SANITARY AUTHORITY C 7,000 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/10/2024Coliform: I reached out to the PWS to ensure re...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia00725 MCNULTY WATER PUD C 2,500 GW Other Water Quality 09/10/2024Other, Operations: Arsenic Treatment System and...
REGION 2Douglas00581 OAKLAND, CITY OF C 954 SW Boil Water 09/10/2024 - OpenLoss of Pressure: The City fire department rupt...
LINN COUNTYLinn00230 WESLINN WATER COMPANY C 200 GW Other Water Quality 09/10/2024Lead or Copper, GWR, Operations: pH minimum in ...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson06310 BUCKHORN SPRINGS RESORT UPPER NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01252 ESTACADA MOBILE VILLAGE C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Called & left a message for the park ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Other Regulatory 09/09/2024Operations: Complaint Investigation - The morni...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Boil Water 09/09/2024 - OpenLoss of Pressure: The morning of 9/9/2024 I rec...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Other Regulatory 09/09/2024Operations: Water supply shortage follow up - I...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95667 J WRIGLEY VINEYARDS NC 25 GW Violation Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Visited with Keith Male trying to fig...
REGION 1Polk00537 MONMOUTH, CITY OF C 11,146 GU Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Nitrate: Emailed water operator, he stated that...
LANE COUNTYLane95509 OAKRIDGE CHAPEL NC 60 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator, operator...
CROOK COUNTYCrook00681 OCHOCO WEST WTR & SAN AUTHORITY C 400 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: THIS WAS A COLIFORM POSITIVE SAMPLE F...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00268 PARADISE/ROGUE MEADOWS WS C 165 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: I emailed the operator regarding the ...
REGION 2Curry95740 PISTOL RIVER FRIENDSHIP CLUB NC 30 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: 09.09.2024 Operator contacted and ad...
REGION 1Multnomah00657 PORTLAND WATER BUREAU C 666,200 SW Boil Water 09/09/2024
- 09/10/2024
Loss of Pressure: Scott contacted me to report ...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook95478 REEHERS HOMESTEAD INC NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Coliform positive. SYSTEM WILL SHOCK ...
COOS COUNTYCoos01402 RINK CREEK WATER DISTRICT C 285 SWP Violation Response 09/09/2024Joyce explained she is a board member of the Ri...
REGION 2Lane01515 ROW RIVER VALLEY WATER DIST C 340 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Disinfection Byproducts: Emailed operator. He e...
REGION 1Deschutes00846 SUNRIVER WATER LLC/SUNRIVER UTILITIES C 4,323 GW Informal Compliance Schedule 09/09/2024Coliform: Level 2 investigation was conducted d...
LANE COUNTYLane92798 USFS MCKENZIE BRIDGE CG HP NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator. Operator...
LANE COUNTYLane93817 USFS PARADISE CAMPGRD/HELIPORT NC 25 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Phone contact with operator. Operator...
DOUGLAS COUNTYDouglas01094 USFS TOKETEE RANGER STATION C 150 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: Operator was emailed and phoned about...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson91579 WHISKEY RIVER CAFE & LOUNGE NC 125 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/09/2024Coliform: 9/9: I called the office and left a v...
REGION 1Clatsop00805 MAPLE ELSIE WATER SERVICE C 100 GW Boil Water 09/07/2024
- 09/11/2024
Loss of Pressure: Lost all the water in the res...
LINN COUNTYLinn95229 CAMP ATTITUDE NC 120 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/06/2024Coliform: Called operator and informed them tha...
WASHINGTON COUNTYWashington93915 DAIRY CREEK TAVERN NC 50 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/06/2024Coliform: Contacted owner regarding positive to...
LANE COUNTYLane00998 DEXTER OAKS CO-OP C 75 GW Do Not Drink Water 09/06/2024 - OpenArsenic: Water system operator contact lane cou...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREJosephine95715 O'BRIEN MANN SPEEDY MART NC 85 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/06/2024Coliform: By phone contacted the owner, Vic Man...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson00268 PARADISE/ROGUE MEADOWS WS C 165 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/06/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes01368 AVION WC-TUMALO WEST C 75 GW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/05/2024Other: June 25, 2024 Survey noted gaps and open...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01211 LIBERAL RANCHOS HOA NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/05/2024Coliform: I followed up my phone call on 9-4-24...
LINN COUNTYLinn06312 MOORE FAMILY VINEYARD NC 25 GW Other Regulatory 09/05/2024Coliform, Operations: System Change to Transien...
REGION 1Umatilla00626 PILOT ROCK, CITY OF C 1,326 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/05/2024Coliform: The water system had a total coliform...
REGION 1Marion00731 SALEM PUBLIC WORKS C 199,820 SW Water Quality Alert Response 09/05/2024Lead or Copper, Other: Monthly LCR - Corrosion ...
LINN COUNTYLinn94248 USFS YUKWAH CG HP 1 NC 43 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/05/2024Coliform: Operator called to discuss the recent...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01183 ARK RV PARK NC 30 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/04/2024Coliform: Called the water system contact. He h...
JACKSON COUNTYJackson06310 BUCKHORN SPRINGS RESORT UPPER NP 10 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/04/2024Coliform: I spoke with the operator regarding t...
DEPT OF AGRICULTUREYamhill95721 FAIRSING VINEYARD NC 37 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/04/2024Coliform: One triggered sample at the wellhead ...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05853 FERNVIEW MOBILE HOME COURT #1 NP 24 GW Other Regulatory 09/04/2024Other, Operations: Fernview Water System follow...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia01038 FERNVIEW MOBILE HOME COURT #2 NP 24 GW Other Regulatory 09/04/2024Operations: Fernview water system follow up - A...
TILLAMOOK COUNTYTillamook00367 HEBO JOINT WATER & SANITARY AUTH C 250 GW Boil Water 09/04/2024
- 09/07/2024
Loss of Pressure: System issued a partial boil ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas01211 LIBERAL RANCHOS HOA NP 24 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/04/2024Coliform: I called the operator to ask if follo...
COLUMBIA COUNTYColumbia05530 GRAMADA TERRACE NP 14 GW Water Quality Complaint 09/03/2024Operations: CCPH received a complaint that with...
DESCHUTES COUNTYDeschutes94214 GREEN ACRES RV PARK NC 135 GW Other Regulatory 09/03/2024Other: Change sampling schedule - System has be...
REGION 2Jackson01520 HILAND WC - SHADY COVE C 1,000 SW Boil Water 09/03/2024
- 09/10/2024
Loss of Pressure: Hiland WC – Shady Cove issu...
MULTNOMAH COUNTYMultnomah91067 OPRD GUY W TALBOT SP NC 90 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/03/2024Coliform: Called and left a message with Aaron ...
SHERMAN COUNTYSherman00723 RUFUS PUBLIC WORKS C 270 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/03/2024Nitrate: I spoke with the operator about their ...
CLACKAMAS COUNTYClackamas00639 TIMBERLINE RIM WATER CO INC C 800 GW Water Quality Alert Response 09/03/2024Coliform: Emailed system operator to let him kn...
REGION 2Coos01340 UPPER COOS RIVER WTR ASSOC NP 20 SW Enforcement 09/03/2024SWTR: 10.02.2024-Susan emailed a copy of the la...
REGION 2Coos05302 WATSONVILLE WATER SYSTEM C 27 SW Survey/Deficiency Follow-up 09/03/2024Watsonville 2024 Survey completed on 09/03/2024...
KLAMATH COUNTYKlamath00320 GILCHRIST WATER SYSTEM LLC C 440 GW Other Regulatory 09/02/2024Lead or Copper: LCRR Inquiry - Operator called ...

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